Now I realize that I enjoy thinking in symbols and therefore allow natural coincidences to take on deep meanings. Still, sometimes I get the creepy feeling that the country of France is out to demonstrate just how not French I am.
For example, I was once again in need of using up some baking ingredients before they spoiled, and so opted to make a blueberry coffee cake, the recipe for which I had gotten online. This recipe was written by a resident of Paris, so I felt that I would be safe in using French ingredients in a French recipe. I couldn't find enough blueberries for the cake, so instead I opted to make up the difference with dark chocolate (I wanted to see if I liked the flavor combination). It was extremely dark, Lindt dessert chocolate, too--I was using good stuff. The batter was easy enough to mix up in my food processor and get into the pan and into the oven.
Now, the recipe clearly stated that I should use a 9 inch/22 cm cake pan, which I did. There was a note that a spring-form pan was preferred, which surprised me since the batter was kind of thin and I would have thought it would leak out the bottom. The pan was quite full, but I've made a cake or two from this website before and neither of them rose very much.
I must have been tired, because how I could expect a cake containing baking powder and baking soda, even weighed down by 500 g of blueberries and chocolate, not to rise, in hind-sight I do not know.
As you are undoubtedly foreseeing by now, about fifteen minutes into the baking I heard a sizzle and caught of whiff of something burning. Sure enough, batter was trickling over the sides of the pan. I hurriedly transferred the mess onto a cookie sheet and let it finish baking, thinking that even if the cake was completely ruined it's easier to throw away an entire burnt cake than an overflowing pan of half-burnt batter. Instead I ended up with an overflowing pan of crisped cake.
Lava-flow, by Physics Girl, in mixed media(Banging head against counter)
I can bake. I promise I can bake. Even though now I get to scrub out the bottom of my oven before I can do so again, I Can Bake. I think I may have to do something dramatic to prove it, but I Can BAKE.